The Bible in 6 Months: Half Way!

Hello Sojourners!

I mentioned in the initial post about our reading plan that any time I have started the new year reading the Bible in 90 days it has helped to bring focus and clarity.

It quickly separates and highlights Truth and that process exposes things in our hearts and lives that need work; areas where He is calling us deeper, where He is pruning, where He is healing, where He is bringing Liberty, where He is looking for greater obedience, where he is increasing our knowledge, awakening or deepening our prayer and worship, where He is teaching us the things of His heart and His Plans, and even releasing us in to new things. Molding us in to the image of Jesus should we stay on the potters wheel and give ourselves to His process.

I hoped reading this time in the 180 or so days would have the same effect; Reading The Word chronologically, in volume, quickly, obediently (staying committed to showing up), prayerfully and  with open hearts, open eyes and open ears just amazingly clarifies His Voice and goes even beyond the acquiring of knowledge but does a deep surgery!

And it has absolutely done so for me!

Hebrews 4:12
See, the Word of God is alive! It is at work and is sharper than any double-edged sword — it cuts right through to where soul meets spirit and joints meet marrow, and it is quick to judge the inner reflections and attitudes of the heart.

How has your 6 month reading journey been so far?

I have heard some personal accounts already and it has really encouraged me. I genuinely love the accounts of what The Lord is doing in people and the journeys each one are on.

I have been excited to write more -
Initially this year though I have given myself first to just sit under the work The Lord has been doing in me and in my life and to read, study, pray, have ministry, walk out what He's been showing me.. and so on instead of using my little(almost non existent) 'free' time to type.

The start of this year has been a roller-coaster for me but it's one of those seasons that shifts everything and I am excited to see what the fruit of it will be! 

And so I'm ready to start documenting...

Do you document what The Lord is doing in each season of your life? If so... How?
Do you journal? Keep a diary? A scrapbook or a Blog? I'd love to know...

I want to improve how I do this... I would also like to add something to it... photo's/pictures/sketches or something like that. My memories and my feelings are also triggered by sights and smells and I've been pondering if I can incorporate anything else in my memory keeping or journey documenting that would give me more when I look back... I would love to hear from you if you have creative memory keeping processes!

Your fellow sojourner,


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